Register For Youth Recreation and Clinics
Join Hampton Roads' fastest growing lacrosse community!
Spring Registration for 2024 Begins:
November 1, 2023
Coastal offers youth recreation lacrosse for boys and girls in grades K-8 in the spring and fall for players throughout Hampton Roads from Williamsburg to Outer Banks.
Visit Clinics Page for Current Opportunities
Coastal offers clinics all over Hampton Roads in Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News throughout the year. Clinics often feature area college coaches and players.
Sign Up For Updates on Registration Dates, Clinics, and More!
Volunteer To Coach!

Be Part of Something Great!
Costal Crush Lacrosse relies on volunteer coaches to help run all of our youth recreation teams. Coastal Crush provides training, equipment, and resources. We just ask that volunteer coaches have a passion for developing young athletes and a commitment to positive coaching. The head and assistant coach of a youth recreation team will receive free registration for their child!